Release notes

SmartFoxServer 2X

VERSION 2.13.7 (patch)

[FIX] Throwing an SFSLoginException from a JavaScript Extension doesn’t trigger the related event on client side.


VERSION 2.13.6 (patch)

[FIX] Patched issue in Jetty websockets causing potential native memory leaks (see:
[UPD] Updated geolocalization database.
[NEW] Added new Servlet Manager module in AdminTool to upload and manage Jetty servlets.
[NEW] Added new feature in AdminTool's Server Configurator module to upload SSL certificates.
[NEW] Added support for "X-Forwarded-For" header for websocket/BlueBox, to detect IP of clients behind a proxy.


VERSION 2.13.5 (patch)

[FIX] Improved performance of Jetty's websocket implementation.


VERSION 2.13.4 (patch)

[NEW] Added support for allowed websocket origins. Provides extra configuration parameters under ServerSettings > Web Server, to specify which origins are allowed to connect via websocket. Useful to protect against connections coming from URLs other than those hosting the actual game/app.
[FIX] Improved BlueBox performance via dedicated thread pool to avoid a corner case interference with socket engine performance.
[FIX] Websocket max message size is now synchronized to the maxIncomingPacketSize parameter found in config/core.xml.


VERSION 2.13.3 (patch)

[FIX] Regression bug introduced by previous patch (2.13.2) for BlueBox connections.


VERSION 2.13.2 (patch)

[FIX] Corner case where join requests from already disconnected clients could lead to ghost users remaining stuck in a Room.


VERSION 2.13.1 (patch)

[NEW] Support for Java 8 lambdas in Extensions.
[NEW] Added option to pre-start all threads in the auto-load balancing thread pools.
[FIX] Updated commons-collections 3.2.2 which fixes a security issue (
[FIX] Extensions JS API calls with optional parameters can cause runtime exception if optional values are not passed.
[FIX] Performance improvement for Group event dispatch, when running lots of NPCs.


VERSION 2.13.0 (full installer)

::::: Server Side :::::
[NEW] Jetty-based support for websocket, with full support for binary and json (legacy) protocols.
[NEW] Support for server-side JavaScript Extensions via the high performance Nashorn JS engine.
[NEW] Added new methods to BaseSFSExtension for conveniently accessing BuddyApi, GameApi and MMOApi classes.
[NEW] Added getProperties() method to Room and User objects in order to access the properties map directly.
[NEW] Added configurable length of activation codes in the Signup Assistant component.

::::: Client Side :::::
[NEW] "Binary" JavaScript client-side API with full support for the SFS2X binary protocol.

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