Repeated connections, delay

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Repeated connections, delay

Postby Zelek » 24 Jun 2010, 22:45

My Unity app is currently setup so that it establishes a connection upon start-up. This works great the first time through, but on subsequent start-ups, there is about a 5-20 second delay where Unity is unresponsive while the SmartFox connection request is being processed. What could be causing this delay? It's becoming really inconvenient when I'm doing a bunch of quick test runs using Preview mode in Unity.

You can see the problem I'm describing in the SmartFoxTris Unity/C# example project by opening the Login scene and beginning preview mode. After it loads, end the preview, and start a new one. There should be delay now, and on all subsequent preview runs.
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Postby ThomasLund » 30 Jun 2010, 05:58

Personally I dont have this behaviour - and neither the behaviour you describe in the other thread about shutting down. Neither do any on my team.

And never heard about it either from anyone using our (released) games.

Could you try to run your code on different machines to test if its a local issue with e.g. slow DNS or similar?


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