
Post here all your questions related with the SmartFoxServer iPhone API

Moderators: Lapo, Bax

Posts: 3
Joined: 05 Jul 2010, 18:30


Postby tgate » 05 Jul 2010, 18:34

I don't really see this used in any of the examples provided in the api. But I'm trying to implement this in each of my classes, so the class that sends a xt msg will receive the response in that class. But from I have gotten from the examples, I have to send a msg through the app delegate and the delegate's onExtensionResponse always receives the message. Anyone know how to implement this?
Posts: 7
Joined: 24 Jun 2010, 08:33
Location: India

Postby jeeteshb » 06 Jul 2010, 04:43

if you are using a navigation based application then you can use isKindOfClass to check for the current view controller class in the appdelegate.

-(void) onExtensionResponse
if([viewController isKindOfClass: [Account class]])
[viewController ExtensionResponse:evt];
Game Developer
Jeetesh Bhoria

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