Release notes

SmartFoxServer 2X

VERSION 2.17.3 (patch)

::::: Server Side :::::
[FIX] Issue with the Flood Filter triggering too quickly in respect to the configured message rate, resulting in requests being denied when it's not necessary.
[FIX] Rare issue with User/Room removal using MMORooms. Full description in this post:

VERSION 2.17.2 (patch)

::::: Server Side :::::
[FIX] Issue with the log analysis tool whereby parsing logs would not get created.

[FIX] Extension compiled for JREs > 8 will not stop the server from completing the boot process, although they will fail to load. Keep in mind that SFS2X runs on Java 8. If you're compiling with a more recent JDK make sure to set the compiler's Compatibility Level to 8.

VERSION 2.17.1 (internal release)

VERSION 2.17.0 (full installer)

::::: Server Side :::::
[NEW] Improved Websocket performance, with reduced runtime memory footprint.

::::: Admin Tool :::::
[NEW] HTML5 AdminTool is the official and solely supported AdminTool

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